Monday, February 21, 2011

Weighted Vest Benefits

Personalism Ratzinger

Life of St. John of the Cross was not "flying the mystic clouds", but it was very hard, practical and concrete. Holy remained imprisoned for 9 months, subjected upokorzeniom and to physical and moral. At the end of the night from 16 to 17 August 1578, he managed to escape ...
St. Joan of Arc was "burned at the stake at age 19 by churchmen and theologians ... She asked one of the priests, before holding a stack of processional cross. And so died, many times saying the name "Jesus" out loud ...

N adrabiam arrears. I read the last catechesis, Benedict XVI. It's interesting for five years, almost every Wednesday, the Pope presents the life and work of the following saints: apostles, church fathers, theologians, mystics, reformers ...

with astanawiam up, why? Maybe he wants us to give into the hands of our original Church history book ... to show that the history of Christianity is not the sum of anonymous contacts, documents soulless, impersonal crowd and ideas detached from reality. History of the Church has a human face, wearing specific names, is full of close encounters. There is room in the Catherine of Siena, who barely learned to read and write, and the great mind and a smooth pen of Thomas Aquinas. These memories are woven of prayer and action, with beautiful Friendship and brutal persecution of daring escapes and burning piles, from falls, powstawań, exploration ... Oh, the fate of the living God and the people of flesh and blood.

A can Benedict XVI wants to give us a compendium of theology? He, a distinguished Professor at the Cathedral. Peter is doing a lecture from dogma, ecclesiology, together with another and still another with eschatology ... What's important: his method is very "personalistic". Benedict speaks of God by showing the people who live in Him. He says a human being. He says to the man. He once said: theology must cultivate and teach so to serve not only professors and students, but also a simple old lady.

A may yet be different? Maybe he wants to show something else? A journalist once asked Peter Sewald Cardinal. Ratzinger: how much is the road that leads to God. Able to answer: one, either: a lot. Meanwhile, he, without thinking for a long time, he said, as many as there are men.

straight from Rome, a weekly column in the Radio Bonus

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where To Hang Looked Screech Owl House

Mystic from blood and bone

P apież mistyku spoke today about the blood and bone, St. John of the Cross. His life "is not wool-gathering, but the hard fate." He did not wear a head in the clouds, but he lived "in practice and concrete."

C hciał to the religious community in which he lived, went back to the source. The reform which began, met with great resistance members. It was a horror. Trapped in Toledo, held in a cramped and stuffy cell, starved, mocked, scourged public ... After 9 months, he managed to escape. Paradoxically, it is in prison wrote one of the most beautiful of his works, gem spirituality and literature: "Spiritual Canticle."

B enedykt XVI: "It helps us understand that to go with him, does not mean an additional burden in and so quite a difficult life. No, this is something quite different. It is light, a force that helps us carry the burden of life. "

Monday, February 7, 2011

Writing Memorial On Wedding Programs

Wydarzeniaaa 2011 - FaceBook

Today I decided to set up an account on FaceBook , and generally check the possibility (if taken on Klata, what is the time in Men's 100m. how fast does well, etc.)

I do not like social networking sites, I'm proud that I have an account on Our Class or PICTURE , because no where with the snout to the Internet. I am apparently a antisocial, and somehow I do not play with me add,, sffit komci "pod, sffit fociami" mine, sffit friends "

But in the end I said to myself - bitch, what do you harm. To die will not die, and perhaps even like it, I will be nolajfem , everywhere I went with the camera and did the pics ...

And so after that I had had enough of this type of situation:

-you give your picture?
? !? 11
-I do not know.

-Do-Not FaceBook

-Fuck you!

Well, now I'm theory and we can start.

Facebook - community service in which registered users can create networks and groups, share photos and messages and use the applications owned by Facebook, Inc.. headquartered in Palo Alto.

So in short words, I can insert photos, post messages and use various applications hopeless. Somehow I do not encourage ...

start from the foundation of your account FacePlancie.

Emm ... Repetition.

start from the foundation of a Facebook account

, "Do not judge a book by its cover"

A pity, because if I had to evaluate the same home page is received by 5 - because the elections language is not in dialect Kakadu.
So, fill the form - of course no real data:

I was not sure when choosing gender, the rest went quickly and neatly. Since the list of contacts in the e-mail I did not have anyone , service informed me that:

All persons on the list of contacts are already on Facebook or have already been invited.

chędogo Indeed.

We go further. Education - here too there was a problem:

Now for the profile picture ... I am afraid that the picture of my morning together may not be enough ...

I know! How do I do not know what to paste, the paste ...

sheet for baking cookies, the croissants in the lower right corner

Perfect! However, I am resourceful, man ... Now just fill in the rest of the form, and we can take to the proper testing Facebook.

So after an hour of use, I can no longer provide wamnajwiększą defect, and the greatest advantage of Facebook:

Disadvantage: Games

Let me start by FarmVille. This was loud. All the crowd in Farmville, each planted my strawberries, peas, hemp, etc.
I played and I'll say one thing: Do not. I do not relish sitting in front of a staring, and the proportion of my strawberries are ripe. Matter of taste.

hoped for some cool arcade, and most of the game type, and you will Pay the "

Advantage: Famous People

Oh yes, this is great. Look how cool pic added the Pope! And Che Guevara is not even a movie!
I can add an entry on the profile of Britney Spears! Really cool thing.

FaceBook is like any other social networking sites. I found several of his friends including Benedict XVI, I played for a while i. .. that's all. I do not understand why I would spend more than an hour on the site. For me it is useless .

If someone has a profile on Facebook, let it add the roll Joe to friends.

Thank you and best regards ;-)

Descriptive Symptoms Of Herpes

Just about everything

Hello you!

Another part of the parish announcements:

- series,, Reports of the WWE will be transferred. I was thinking about this three days and three nights, and came up with that after what zasyfiać a blog, how to make a separate page dedicated to it. The project is already there, hired assassins were paying, there was nothing else but (s) waiting

- Blog will continue, soon setting off to conquer FaceBook (called TwarzoKsiąg) but more on that in another scrap

-Forgive me that recently there was no some sensible notes about the blog, and died, "but I did not want to move ass and glue a few meaningful sentences.

-Brothel in Egypt. Kubica is broke. So welcome to 2011.

That's it. And now, sit politely and wait for the new note.