Hi! Today we'll be another game in the series Call of wires. Climates are returning to World War II (hura!) probably remember the days when CoD 2 was a classic FPS'ów? Here we go!
In Call Of Duty 5 campaign, we play from the perspective of two soldiers: the American and Russian. In the first case Miller will play a serial which has the task of fighting the Japanese, on the tropical islands. In the second case, we will move to a completely different atmosphere, playing in a private Petrenko and destroying Nazi Germany. I personally liked accounted for the Russian campaign, maybe it's my attitude to the Germans (remember '39 ...)
assault on Berlin, Stalingrad, the conquest of the Reichstag, and the crowning of the whole work by punching a red flag at peak. I would also note that the Call of Duty 2 also taken part in the Battle of Stalingrad, so you can make the comparison.
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interesting aspect of the game there are some scenes where such subjected to a small group of Germans and we can shoot them, or look on the side and are fried by Molotov cocktails. The creators of the game gave us a lot of these situations, we may even feel those climates.
----------------------- and somehow can not admire greatly, but the game just is not pretty. We do not see the sea of \u200b\u200btextures, graphics engine also works well. On the battlefield enemies rot limbs, hands, legs, bodies, etc.
From the sounds of thing does not look too good, because the shots just poorly worded. Music for this is very good, and fits into the technical side gry.Od game done right, and as such a big game occurred to me to be only two, jam "
Final evaluation
+ Control classics FPS'ów
+ Very Highly weapons
+ Best climate
+ Back to the climates of World War II
+ Between missions, cool videos and propaganda.
- After some time the game gets boring, and subsequent missions seem to have monotonous - game is very short
- intelligence of our associates, or lack thereof
- intelligence of our adversaries
- lack of training. I would love took me to training camp in the Red Army.
Rating: 5 / 6
Justification: honest I do not expect that this game is so good. I thought that playing in the next typical shooting a Medal of Honor Pacific Assault. The game really surprised me, and do not regret a moment spent in the game.
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