Monday, October 11, 2010

Why Are Ontario Licence Plates Different Colpous

not like Mondays ...

Mornings ...

since morning bad luck. I got up from bed, awake rhythmical sound an alarm in the car. Because chickens * and there was no better place to park, you have to just under my window. And at 6:00 in the morning, when a man wants to sleep.

idly licking eyebrows, go to the bathroom. JEB! I'm lying. Because tiles must always be wet. A floor has just hit me.

Next was getting worse. Butter sandwich down.
from the TV remote control as it always does not work. I do not watch TV, at most, to breakfast, and no bedtime. Since I can remember, this remote does not work, and somehow the battery will never change I do not want. I turned on music, I sat down, enjoying a free moment.

Coming out of the house slammed keys in the middle, which is not nearly fucked up the stairs, and wanting to go to the store I saw only a piece of paper,, right back, "

Computer Turn your computer i. .. grumbles. Damn it out loud.
I never did now grumbles.

Kur ... I moved to the right -
grumbles grumbles Left-
PodwiesiƂem the ceiling-
grumbles turned off - no longer.
Turn - grumbles.
No. HU ... what a molecule.
I put on him hand - silence. stopped. The hands that heal.
After a few hours long and laborious investigation I understand that the computer must be something, then it grumbles. I stand in a cup of tea.


am tolerant and I really like to contact the cultural and religious. But not if someone enters my home after 20:00, to proclaim the truth about God. What the evening you can not safely spend in solitude, alone? Here you have several ways of which I sometimes use.

[knock knock]
-Who's there?
-Have you wondered ...
-Jehovah's Witnesses.
(cisza. ..)
-Hello? Is there anyone at home?

-Can we go?
-Why? We would like to talk
-o. ..
-No! How do you bottle it at all, they can talk!

-Who's there?

-Jehovah's Witnesses (open the door, listen to what they have to say)
-... And we are here for your leaflets ...
-No thanks, masturbate on the films

-Halo! Who's there?

-Jehovah's Witnesses (here the sounds of struggle, you can crush a few times on the wall for better effect)
-Excuse me, are you okay?
-Guys! Not bijta, ruchajta!
At once they escape.

I just flew round Monday. No japier ...


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