Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Marzetti Backsplashes

Unicode characters - introducing

looking at the matter objectively unicode is very convenient: It provides a single encoding for all languages. The only problem that occurs is the introduction of characters other than those normally available in the "national keyboard."
course, knowing the code you can insert any character unicode . The Linux is this: press Ctrl-Shift-u enter the code and press Enter.
already mentioned the program win gives the possibility to add multiple symbols using latex notation. Simply activate the appropriate plugin. Much more interesting feature is the ability to win the introduction of mathematical formulas (images are converted to png) using latex notation.
Marcin Wolinski prepared configuration files that define another keyboard for Polish : in addition to the Polish characters and essential typographic characters (ellipsis, quotes, and other small pause) equipped with a number keypad to allow dead characters to add the most common "accents" Here are the letters ... a full description of opportunities .
Another advantage is the system ibus . It allows you to write virtually any characters from the keyboard, which were not adapted to this (for example, using transliteration of Cyrillic characters.) Ibus system is mainly used for character input Japanese, Chinese, Korean ... What's more you do it in many ways. One of the additions
ibus system is a plugin (ibus-table-latex), allowing the entry of many exotic characters using latex notation : switching the keyboard in the keyboard mode ibus, write \\ alpha α to get a stamp. Full list of possible For characters is quite long ...
last, finally a method (but not very effective) to enter characters with accents is the use of special stamps from the group of "combining diacritics ": enter first letter (for example, a) and then a special sequence of characters ( For example, 0xcc 0x80 - to add an accent grave) and get the letter à. But still the problem of placing these special codes ...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

West Coast Choppers Bicycles Wheels

Zim Desktop Wiki

The "everything" I use LaTeX. And, in truth, I never regretted this choice. Despite his age (the system was in "early 1980", the first version of the manual comes from 1983) continues to grow and develop your very pleasantly surprised.
But not always need to spend a book or write an article! Most needed are simple notes and enriched only a picture, a screenshot, or - occasionally - the formula.
quite a long time looking for the right tool. I started off came with the system (Ubuntu) Tomboy notepad. Yellow cards are not enchanted me, even though the system somehow "integrate".
For quotations chaotic thoughts FreeMind is useful, which shows the nested list as a beautiful spider (here: Map Mindmap on the program, and here the other maps.
contrast to all other notes, I use Zim . It is This allows a very simple editor (like Wiki) create a tangle of related parties and group them into certain hierarchies. With the right plug-ins may be telling an additional models, combine text with screen shots, include illustrations. Nothing more is needed.
program has its own its own Web server to allow the presentation of information in the form of Web pages. Notes can be exported to HTML and LaTeX. And this latter option is useful to me quite often ...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Antique Potato Chip Tin In Alabama

About cently opened a lot of talking about John Paul II. Often enough to ask one question, and then you just listen ...

D la the young Spaniard Alvaro Tajadura meeting with 83 years of inflammatory Pope sparked a priestly vocation. The correspondent of "El Sol del Mexiko" Jorge Sandoval argues that Pope John Paul II "humanizes" the papacy and the church opened the doors of communication so widely that to this day no one dared to close them. Priest Joaquin Alonso ate breakfast with the Holy Father, or lunch, during which helped him learn English. Because the pope - a polyglot of languages \u200b\u200bdoes not suck from mother's milk. Like any mortal had to teach them.

B vein spokesman of the Apostolic See Joaquin Navarro-Valls stresses that it is impossible to know John Paul II, without changing his life. Paloma Gomez Borrero - English watykanistka who participated in all the 104 foreign pilgrimages of the Holy Father - to learn from his prayer. A Monsignor Paul Fowler frankly admits that the sanctity of the pope could draw more ...

T that all calls are unfinished. I feel hungry. Could be longer, fuller and more ... I think this is a sign of something limitless at John Paul II (as mentioned Navarro-Valls.) Something or someone. Just God.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Marine Corp Women's Propel Singlet

unfinished breakfast talks with the pope opened the door

Fr. Joaquin Alonso of the Prelature of Opus Dei met young Cardinal of Krakow in 1971 in Rome. Remembered that the Italian said "a little funny, because I forgot about rodzajnikach."

After the election of Pope John Paul II not only perfected Italian, but spoke for learning English. Opportunity for intensive "course" was planned at the beginning of the 1979 pilgrimage to Mexico. In science helped him to a Spaniard, Fr. Joaquin Alonso. - In early November 1978 I got a call Fr. Stanislaw Dziwisz. He asked if I could come to the Apostolic Palace to talk with the pope in English - he recalls.

"Lessons" were unconventional. - For nearly three months, almost every day with the pope ate breakfast or lunch. I spoke to him in English. Meant a lot. He knew the English passively because during the doctorate program taught him to read the works of St. John of the Cross. He lacked, however, the practice - says Fr. Alonso. The Pope often brought to the table a speech written in English, which later was supposed to give to the pilgrims, ambassadors and bishops. He read them aloud, and Fr. Alonso correct the his accent and pronunciation. Do not use any textbook, there was no homework. Sometimes only the "professor" threw "disciple" of the tape or video songs Mexican English.

breakfast and dinner-"odds" English has proved to be effective. Journalist Jorge Sandoval mentions that at the end of January 1979, during a pilgrimage to Mexico, spoke with John Paul II in English. With the number of completed pilgrimage, visited countries, the people I met, held discussions and delivered speeches, the level of control by the pope of Italian, English and other languages \u200b\u200bto increase. At the famous press conference on board the aircraft jumped from language to language: answered in Italian, English, French, English, German and of course Polish.

Pope, who moved to history as a linguist, not sucked out of language in human milk. Like any mortal had to teach them.

Published in GN

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pokemon On Graphing Calculator

About d beginning sprang the diagrams, which for centuries been accustomed to the papacy. He descended from its pedestal. He touched the man and allowed himself to be touched. John Paul II "humanizes" the papacy. Even after the mass at the start of the pontificate, when he wanted to get close to people, master of ceremony, grabbed him by the arm. Clearly tried to stop him. Reply to John Paul II was calm, but resolute. He raised his hand ceremoniarza, freed his arm and went to the people.

In January 1979, during his first pilgrimage to Mexico as a correspondent for "El Sol de Mexico," I found myself with a group of journalists on the papal plane. At some point in our cab came someone from the Holy See press office. He was clearly excited. Someone asked what happened? - The Holy Father wants to come here to say hello and greet you - he said. We were convinced that the Pope come, greet us, and come back to you. But John Paul II as soon as he appeared, he began to examine each individually. He asked, he answered, he gave interviews. Asked me about who I am and for whom I work. When I heard the title of the newspaper, said: "Ah," Sun of Mexico ", what a beautiful title. Over Mexico, the sun should always shine. "

T s press conference on board the aircraft have become an unwritten tradition of papal pilgrimages. They show how much John Paul II understood the role of the mass media. You could say before him that the door to information, the Vatican were closed. Many of our questions met with answers like: do not know, then you can not say. Holy See to the media people was neither important nor interesting source of information. And if you already wrote about it, it resisted more on speculation than information. John Paul II is changed. Appointed spokesman Navarro Valls journalist. Gave him the green light. And suddenly, there is nothing to talk about and write. John Paul II opened the doors of the Church of communication so widely that, although changed many, no one dares to close them.

John Paul II as an every man had enemies, even among journalists. But - and this is not just my opinion - there were very few. He had charisma to the people. He was a very "hard" or a "conservative" in their views. At the same time very well thought of, not only about the Church in Europe but also of Catholics around the world. Evangelized them, gained by the presence of humans. Therefore pilgrimage. In this way he thought about peasant in Honduras, Bolivia and Mexico. He was there for them, and they are perceiving.

J ako reporter watched the pontificate of John Paul II at close range. When he arrived in Rome for 58 years. He was young, strong, athletic. Walking in the mountains, went skiing, swim. He was like "Super Man". We talked about him: "God's Athlete." Until the attack on St. Peter's Square. Peter. From that moment began a long "Calvary." It was not just the last few months or years. Calvary began May 13, 1981. Health problems, surgery, Parkinson's disease, suffering. In this way, to burn.

P amiętam our farewell. It was on the plane on the way back from Lourdes in 2004. We have seen that the Pope was already very sick. He did not come to the journalists, but anyone who wanted to be able to approach him. Because I felt he was leaving, I asked for a meeting. I remember it like today: he looked at me with her deep, piercing eyes, he touched me, and said, "Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.

K hen he died, it felt as if the left close to the family. April 2, 2005, about 20.30 I went to the Holy See press office. After an hour I reached the apartment. I turned on the TV. Reported that the Pope is dead. At the same time the phone rang. I have received. Some radio asked for a few words to comment on live. I agreed. Instantly they let me on the air. And then I looked at my picture of Pope John Paul II, which hangs on the wall in my apartment. I was speechless. I could not say anything. I started to cry. That was my whole comment.

Jorge Sandoval , a Mexican journalist and Vatican "El Sol de Mexico."