Monday, April 11, 2011

Marine Corp Women's Propel Singlet

unfinished breakfast talks with the pope opened the door

Fr. Joaquin Alonso of the Prelature of Opus Dei met young Cardinal of Krakow in 1971 in Rome. Remembered that the Italian said "a little funny, because I forgot about rodzajnikach."

After the election of Pope John Paul II not only perfected Italian, but spoke for learning English. Opportunity for intensive "course" was planned at the beginning of the 1979 pilgrimage to Mexico. In science helped him to a Spaniard, Fr. Joaquin Alonso. - In early November 1978 I got a call Fr. Stanislaw Dziwisz. He asked if I could come to the Apostolic Palace to talk with the pope in English - he recalls.

"Lessons" were unconventional. - For nearly three months, almost every day with the pope ate breakfast or lunch. I spoke to him in English. Meant a lot. He knew the English passively because during the doctorate program taught him to read the works of St. John of the Cross. He lacked, however, the practice - says Fr. Alonso. The Pope often brought to the table a speech written in English, which later was supposed to give to the pilgrims, ambassadors and bishops. He read them aloud, and Fr. Alonso correct the his accent and pronunciation. Do not use any textbook, there was no homework. Sometimes only the "professor" threw "disciple" of the tape or video songs Mexican English.

breakfast and dinner-"odds" English has proved to be effective. Journalist Jorge Sandoval mentions that at the end of January 1979, during a pilgrimage to Mexico, spoke with John Paul II in English. With the number of completed pilgrimage, visited countries, the people I met, held discussions and delivered speeches, the level of control by the pope of Italian, English and other languages \u200b\u200bto increase. At the famous press conference on board the aircraft jumped from language to language: answered in Italian, English, French, English, German and of course Polish.

Pope, who moved to history as a linguist, not sucked out of language in human milk. Like any mortal had to teach them.

Published in GN


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