Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tin Foil Boat Project

We test

Hello hello. Forgive me for so long that I was not, but we are working on the site (read more ) So today, as always, about everything and nothing. Here we go :-)

1.Smoleńsk whore!

I turn the TV and what?
Like what? Smolensk whore!
TVN, TVP, kitchen tv, tv live on, Satan tv - all with one voice screaming Smolensk WHORE! Well I sent MAK two pages of the report, and no because a card is lost, the other ate the bear Putin and the fact that it was not sent because you need to talk about it, because we speak and we speak on TVN, and TVP we speak, everywhere we speak, from morning until night, everyone is saying, because it's on top now.

Well I Bredzisław Kompromitowski says that we should not speak, and Kwa Kwa says that you need to say what else worth talking about, after all, because the election soon, then you need to talk. Because as the election is much need to talk to people talked about what you say in government. Because, as people will say this vote, and the others are happy that they vote, because as it has a lot of votes it is mites, and how is it after all coins can speak louder. And more ... More ...

Smolensk And so we hear every time they they send us a postcard. And the files it looks like this:

I will send them to us. After a single sheet. And so long. And by the end of the world.
And the worst part is that we all pretend that they care. And it's not true. And they know it. But they pretend they do not know, we think that they know we do not know that ... I'm tired.

And even Sonic has had enough! Look at him, God what a pity ...

And finally, let me rock out!
Everybody say ... Lenska SMO-KUR-WA!

second Beatification

Well, we can. Gladly write a FuckYea and ended about it. But, I would like to point out one small detail. Namely, may be wondered how much macaroni made their dough at all hotels, sold żarciu - generally the whole of this ceremony? Thick probably cash it went. Well, but anyway I zacie: D

third Obama vs Osama

Note. This text may contain traces of nuts, whining and conspiracy theories.

So, recently passed away Osama bin Laden. All Americans took to the streets, they began to dance naked and sing the anthem and rubbed with artificial snow. But, let's go back to the past. All started from the fact that somewhere in the east, began to pound two groups of Arabs. Terrorists, i. .. Whatever. Well, but beat it up there pretty hard.

Americans as they like various things, such as cheeseburgers without cheese, zwęszyli that there is oil in the east. They sent troops, began to pound Arabs. Arabs as Arabs, will cry, will cry and began to defend himself. The leader of one of the groups was just Osama Bin Laden. He said that this will not continue, he took a plane, and that the coke from him is amazing threw up on that plane to America. There rozdupczył Hamburgerykanom two towers. World Trade Center. In short, WTF. Well, you know. We had to do with this great national tragedy. That is a crime, a coup, you need to get a hold of Osama because he is responsible for it. Whore.

natural defensive reaction. The Americans did their entry, well, he, too, they did enter. Standard. But no, you had to do with the great enemy of everything American. Well, and finally grabbed him. Soon the election, it will support Obama. And in place of Osama enter the next Arab. And so the shitty death.

And the whole thing will end the current accent, namely ...


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