the four corners of the world
D zis even straight from Rome, but this time tomorrow I should be in Krakow. I come for a few days to Polish to give a Lenten retreat for youth in Auschwitz. The Salesians, who invited me, saying she'd be about 900 people. A lot. Fortunately, I'm not going alone. I'm taking 6 friends who are willing to testify about their faith in Jesus Christ and love for the Church. Who are they? Let's start with the ladies.
About xana, though he lives in Italy, represents the world of Asia. Originally from Kazakhstan, studying and working in Rome. I hope that pretty smile and a strong witness, win over the boys.
K oil is a beautiful Italian woman from Calabria, Kristina. Her hometown of - Gioia Taur - the capital of a criminal organization 'Ndrangheta. I would like to give witness to the fact that you can live by faith in the lions' den.
with Europe also grew from Switzerland - Dominique, a journalist who became a priest. In college, we call him Don House. A very clever guy. In addition to the home of the French language, good knowledge of Italian, English, German, some English. He is a big fan of John Paul II and Benedict XVI
P rzepływamy Mediterranean Sea and we reach the shores of Africa. The priest from Burkina Faso, Laurent. His black face is decorated with gold colored round-rimmed glasses. Always in the front row, always pressing, always prepared. His diligence earned the nickname among his colleagues, "Cardinale."
K Oil African country to Angola. And with her slim, not tall Nelson. An interesting world and people, with an intelligent sense of humor. Portuguese-creator of the web and persistent blogger.
I another crossing the great waters, this time over the Atlantic. Priest Manuel, a native of Colombia, studying philosophy. However, for young people in Poland will not speak either about Aristotle or a Kant. He wants to testify about Christ, about the fact that it is He who frees from fear and hatred, and enables them to forgiveness. Experienced this in my own family and in his own heart. His father was shot while fighting the drug industry.
with abieram so on a retreat to the Polish ... a piece of Rome. Because Rome is for me above all people. People from four corners of the world, which met here in the Eternal City. Messages: all roads lead here. In this way, I'm going to show young people in Auschwitz, that the Church does not end the parish to salezjanach for Poland and Europe. I want to open their eyes. I want it touched the Catholic Church, which is universal. One that from the very beginning of its boundaries. He goes all over the world. He has broad horizons.
C s work? - We'll see. On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
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