Friday, March 18, 2011

Portable Dvd Player Plays Divx And Avi

- Well, as after the retreat? - Ask my friends. Good question, but it is difficult to answer. Two things I know for sure.

first Retreat deepened my faith in the word thrown to the wind (this is my priestly work.) The word cast with faith in the power of wind. Because God, because the Spirit is like the wind ... By "throwing" the word of God, the need for faith. Faith that this talk makes sense. Faith, which pierces through my man's point of view (like concrete, I want to see the effect of work: interfolded cupboard, the car repaired, planted the tree, lifted coal). And here: the word, faith, and wind. And that is tough and great in the priesthood.

second Retreat at Auschwitz widened horizons. That was purpose and plan, "Operation" . I did not think, however, that the first who did experience, will be guests, whom I invited. Look Oxana, Cristina, Nelson, Dominica, Manuel, Laurent is different, is wider and deeper. And it's not so much by the places we visited (Krakow - Wawel Castle, Auschwitz, Wadowice, Calvary), but those who met. Thanks you for this.


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